Helping to build responsible supply chains.

Events and Documents




April 5, 2016
Assent Compliance webinar Following the Leaders: How Top Influencers Run Their Conflict Minerals Programs. The top influencer of 2016, Michael Loch of Responsible Sourcing LLC, and top five finalists Per-Olof Loof of KEMET and Michael Littenberg of Ropes & Gray LLP, will be available to discuss their views on conflict minerals compliance, along with how they run, or advise on, successful programs.
1:00 -2:00  PM

April 12, 2016
Responsible Trade and Green Status Pro presents Prepare a Winning Conflict Minerals Disclosure Webinar.  Two of the Conflict Mineral Influence Leaders for 2016, Mike Loch (#1) of Responsible Trade, and Lawrence Heim (#11) of Elm Sustainability Partners, in addition to John Logan of Green Status Pro will lead the session. This session will provide you with a time-effective briefing before assembling and publishing your company’s CY2015 Conflict Minerals Disclosure.
10:00 AM-12:00 PM

May 10-12, 2016
The 10th ICGLR-OECD-UN GoE Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains is scheduled to take place at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris.


Open letter ICGLR Mineral Market Crisis-1
